NeuroFIG 10A: Sensory neurons that sense nose touch, osmotic pressure, texture, and harsh touch.
In all panels, only the cells on the left side are shown.
A. (Left panel) Graphic rendition of the left-side FLP (top) and IL1, OLQ, and ASH (bottom) neurons. The avoidance response to the head-on nose touch is mediated by ASH, OLQ, and FLP neurons. IL1 and OLQ neurons mediate the head withdrawal to gentle touch to the ventral or dorsal side of the nose. (Right panel) The FLPL branching pattern in an adult animal is seen at two different focal levels, lateral view. Epifluorescent micrographs of an animal expressing the mec3::GFP transgene. Closer to the middle plane (top), the two main branches (arrows) are seen to be coming out of the cell soma. The posteriorly directed process enters the VNC via the deirid commissure and terminates after the excretory pore (asterisk indicates processes of AVM and ALM, which also express this transgene). The anterior FLP process travels to the tip of the nose and gives off branches along its way. The extensive branching pattern (bottom) is made at the level of the dorsal and ventral muscle quadrants (arrows). One of the branches terminates in a ciliated ending close to the lateral inner labial sensillum. Magnification, 400x. (Strain source: M. Chalfie.)
See also NeuroFIG 10B-E
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