SIntroFIG 6: S. stercoralis free-living larvae.
A. DIC image of a male L3/L4 larva. Box indicates the region enlarged in B. Arrow indicates the developing male copulatory structures.
B. Enlarged image of the tail of the male larva shown in A. Arrow indicates the developing male copulatory structures.
C. DIC image of a female L3 larva. Box indicates the region enlarged in D. Arrow indicates the developing gonad.
D. Enlarged image of the mid-body of the female larva shown in C. Arrow indicates the developing gonad.
E. DIC image of a female L4 larva. Box indicates the region enlarged in F.
F. Enlarged image of the mid-body of the L4 larva shown in E.
Arrow indicates the distinctive invagination of the gonad that occurs at the L4 stage. For all images, scale bar is 50 µm. (Image source: M. Castelletto.)
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