SIntroFIG 10: Cuticle of an S. stercoralis iL3.

SIntroFIG 10: The cuticle of a Strongyloides infective larva.

A. TEM image of the cuticle of an S. stercoralis iL3. C, cuticle; H, hypodermis; M, muscle. Pseudo-coloring indicates muscle cells in green with pink outline and hypodermal layer in beige.
SEM image of the cuticle of an S. stercoralis iL3. TA, transverse annulations; LS, longitudinal striations; LG, longitudinal grooves. Scale bar is 2 µm.
TEM cross-section of an S. stercoralis iL3. LG, longitudinal grooves. Pseudo-coloring indicates a subset of the muscle cells.
SEM image of the tail of an S. stercoralis iL3. NT, notched tail. The tail appears notched but is tetrafurcated (Nichols, 1956; Little, 1966a; Schad, 1989). Scale bar is 2 µm.

Images are reproduced from Riyong et al., 2020 with permission, with pseudo-color added in A and C.

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