PhaFIG 8A_G Gland cells of the pharynx

PhaFIG 8A-G: Gland cells of the pharynx.

There are five gland cells: two posterior subventral g2 cells, one right and one left subventral g1 cells and a dorsal g1 cell.
A. Epifluorescence image of gland cells taken expressing the reporter gene B0280.7::GFP, left lateral oblique view. (Image source: R. Newbury.)
Graphic rendition of gland cells. (Although previously the dorsal and right side g1 cells were reported to fuse at the anterior of the terminal bulb and hence make a syncytium, more recent results suggest they stay separate (Smit et al., 2008). The pair of subventral g1 cells open to the pharyngeal lumen at the posterior of the first bulb, whereas g2 gland cells open into the lumen anterior to the grinder. (Black ovals) Gland cell nuclei; (short arrows) gland openings to lumen.
The dorsal g1 gland duct lies within the dorsal nerve cord and opens to the lumen through a short cuticular duct (arrow) close to the buccal cavity. Nearby muscles attach to the duct with adherens junctions (white arrowhead). (Image source: [MRC] N2T A64-4, print# 140.) 
. Epifluorescence images of gland cells expressing the reporter gene F20B10.1::GFP or phat-1::GFP (E, bottom panel).
D. Ventral oblique view. (Arrow) Dorsal g1 process.
Ventral view (both panels). (Arrows) Ventral g1 processes. (Strain source [top panel]: L. Haklai-Topper and E. Peles.) (Image source [bottom panel]: R. Smit and J. Gaudet.) Magnification, 400x.
The g1 cells have lamellar cytoplasm, whereas the g2 cells have lighter cytoplasm with vesicles. TEM, transverse section through the posterior terminal bulb. (Image source: [MRC] N2W print# 935.)
Epifluorescence images of dorsal gland cells expressing the reporter gene Y8A9A.2::GFP. (Arrow) dorsal g1 process. (Image source: R. Smit, V. Ghai and J. Gaudet.)

See also PhaFIG 8H

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