GapjunctFIG 1: Models of gap junction channels

GapjunctFIG 1: Models of gap junction channels.

A. Classification of gap junction channels according to their subunit composition as homomeric, heterotypic or heteromeric (after Koval et al., 2014).
Model of the homomeric innexin channel in C. elegans intestine (after Oshima et al., 2016).
Models of possible innexin heteromeric channels in bodywall muscle, assuming 6 subunits per hemichannel (after Liu et al, 2013).
Models of possible innexin heteromeric channels in distal gonad, assuming 8 subunits per hemichannel (after Starich et al, 2014). At present we do not know the number of subunits per channel, and the possible combinations shown here are among many possibilities.

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