CutFIG 5 Localization of proteins in adult cuticle

CutFIG 5: Localization of proteins in adult cuticle.

A, B. Epifluorescent images of transgenic animals, lateral view, expressing GFP reporter genes for col-19.
. Showing fusion protein localization to annuli and alae (strain source: M. Thein and A. Page) and bli-1.
B. Showing fusion protein localization to the struts of medial zone (strain source J. Crew and J. Kramer). Note: struts are largely absent from the furrows; compare to CutFIG3.
C. Immuno-staining of a larval stage animal with anti-DPY-7 antisera showing protein localization to cuticle furrows. (Image source: L. McMahon and I. Johnstone.)

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