DEpiFIG 4: The lin-4 microRNA affects timing of the dauer program by regulating lin-14 activity

DEpiFIG 4: The lin-4 microRNA affects timing of the dauer program by regulating lin-14 activity.

A-C. Life history pathways are shown as observed in starved populations of (A) wildtype animals, (B) lin-14(lf) mutants and (C) lin-4(lf) or lin-14(gf) mutants.
As shown in B, lin-14(lf) animals may commence the dauer program after either the L1 or L2 stages (Liu and Ambros, 1989).
. lin-14(gf) mutations may delay dauer formation until after the L3 stage or prevent it entirely (not shown) (Liu and Ambros, 1989).
D. Some heterochronic mutants cannot complete dauer morphogenesis. Cartoons are of midsections from wildtype dauers (left) and heterochronic mutant dauers (right). The heterochronic mutant dauers may fail to complete radial constriction and dauer alae formation in patches of the body. Figure adapted from Liu and Ambros, 1989 with permission.