AWB is a set of two ciliated neurons with flattened, sheet-like endings that are associated
with the sheath cells of the amphid sensilla (figure 1). Cell bodies are situated in the lateral
ganglion and send processes into the ventral cord via the amphid commissures. The processes
run anteriorly in the ventral part of the nerve cord and project into the nerve ring, where they
run near the middle of the neuropile. They meet and stop at the dorsal mid-line with a gap
junction. The processes are fairly small and none of the synapses is very large. The main
synaptic output is to AIZ and ADF, usually together in a dyadic synapse (a). There are also
synapses to RIA (b) and AVB (c). There are gap junctions to RMG (d) and AUA.
Magnifications: (a) x 25500, (b-d) x 12750.