ASn is a set of eleven motoneurons, with cell bodies in the ventral cord, which innervate dorsal muscles. A typical ASn (e.g. AS3 (e)) has rather short processes in the ventral cord on either side of its cell body. These are exclusively postsynaptic and receive synaptic input from AVB (*c), AVA (*e) and AVD (*d). In addition AS1to AS3 receive some synaptic input from AVE (*r). There are often gap junctions to AVA (c) and VAn (d) in this region also. The anterior process (except AS11 (f)) leaves the ventral cord and runs round to the dorsal cord as a commissure (b). All eleven ASn commissures run round the right-hand side of the body. The process or an ASn turns and runs anteriorly in the dorsal cord, running for part or the time adjacent to the basal lamina. There are dyadic NMJs in this region with VDn being the corecipient (a and figure 19). The processes of ASn in the dorsal cord are similar to those of DAn except that they are shorter and have fewer NMJs. Magnifications: (a, c, d) x 25500, (b) x 17000.