How to Cite:
1. The entire website:
- WormAtlas, Altun, Z.F., Herndon, L.A., Wolkow, C.A., Crocker, C., Lints, R. and Hall, D.H. (ed.s) 2002-2024.
2. *The Handbook of C. elegans Anatomy:
3. *A subsection in the Handbook of C. elegans Anatomy (check the authorship at the bottom of each section):
4. Slidable Worm:
5. Glossary of Anatomical Terms (note that authorship varies among the different glossary sections):
- Example: Herndon, L.A., Altun, Z.F., and Hall, D.H. Glossary of Anatomical Terms in C. elegans "A". 2013. In WormAtlas. doi:10.3908/wormatlas.6.1
6. Methods for Cell Identification:
7. WormImage:
- Contact David Hall as the citation varies depending on the source of the image in question.
*Authors also have the option to cite as their source, the CSHL book "C. elegans Atlas" for material found therein. See the book for details on authorship for each chapter.